How "Positive Thinking" Can Help Make You Wealthy!
Many people believe that your attitude determines your altitude, but is this true when it comes to wealth? Is there some secret or overt connection between positive thinking and money? The answer is "perhaps." Positive thinking does fuel actions that can encourage practicality and wealth building.
Positive Thinking - Impact on Wealth
The simple act of positive thinking doesn't, in and of itself, build wealth. Instead, it's the thoughts created by positive thinking that can affect how you look at money and more importantly, how you handle it.
The Power of Stress
Stress has a way of sapping us of energy and making us feel drained and uninspired. This is especially true when we surrender to these negative feelings. What often follows is a long line of negative thoughts that thwart our creative energies and challenge even our best efforts. How does this impact our wealth?
This question is simple if you look at how stress can impact just about any area of our lives. We don't feel inspired and were more prone to think negative self-defeating thoughts instead of good ones.
Stress and Money
Perhaps the question is best considered in reverse. When we think negatively we don’t make good choices. As it pertains to wealth, we may use our money unwisely and fail to see the impact of our actions until it's too late. Our negative thoughts can often block our foresight and make it difficult to honestly assess a situation and determine our next moves.
We may end up making poor choices, even when it comes to our money, because of this. Stress and negative thinking can spread to many areas of our lives but these thoughts aren't expansive. They don't encourage creativity, thinking outside the box, or multiple possibilities. Imagine the person that continues to use payday loans as an answer to their short term financial woes instead of trying to get a low-interest personal loan from their credit union. Get the picture?
Positive Thinking and Work
Positive thinking can powerfully impact our work life, which in turn, promotes wealth. If we love what we’re doing, we’re more likely to put more effort into it. This can result in more financial rewards in the form of bonuses and promotions. Most of us build wealth through our jobs or careers. As a result, positive thinking can impact our ability to make money as well as our ability to increase our money.
Motivation Boost
Imagine the company employees who're passionate about his work and challenged by things that others would find stressful. This employee is more likely to be solutions-oriented and take pride in solving problems. This, in turn, could result in job accolades, promotions, bonuses, and raises.
However, it should be noted that positive thinking has to be practical and action-oriented to produce good results. Positive thoughts alone won't build wealth. They are the fuel that can inspire us to do what we need to do to build wealth.
What Is Wealth in the US?
According to a 2019 Charles Schwab Modern Wealth Survey, Americans need $2.3 million to be considered wealthy. However, a global perspective would suggest something completely different. If you make over $30K a year, you're in the top one percent form a worldwide perspective which begs the question, "What is true wealth?".
Perhaps true wealth is best described as making the most of what you have fiscally in a way that creates a comfortable and functional existence financially. From a practical standpoint, there are four ways that wealth can be approached and pondered. All require a willingness to have an open mind and positive thinking on some level.
Have a Functional Budget
Functional is the operative word here. It's important that you create, have, a budget that accurately keeps up with the money you are making and how it's being spent. However, tracking your money, knowing what you make and how it's spent, is just the beginning. A smart budget should always include planning for the future. In simple terms, this means savings or some sort of investment. This should be a regular part of your budget that you feed and grow.
If you are thinking to start saving, the best option is to open a savings account. Check out our suggestions:
From a positive thinking perspective, you have to be motivated to create a budget and actively keep up with it. A negative mindset doesn't leave room for this type of continued consistent effort. Positive thinking is a vital part of wealth building and sustaining and furls positive proactive action. These actions include proactive steps like paying off a mortgage early, eliminating credit card debt, and in some cases consolidating debt if it's smart, to name a few. You should use financial management tools to achieve this if you need help.
A Look to the Future (Retirement)
Planning for retirement is an exacting activity. You have to be willing to approach your situation with a realistic, yet positive view, of what you'd like to happen in your future. When it comes time to retire, how do you plan to maintain your current lifestyle? What savings or investments do you have in place to cover your living arrangements? Are you investing with a 401k or something similar? If so, how much are you investing and how much is being matched by your employer? You need to learn how to make money passively. This means that you shouldn't have to clock hours to make your wallet grow.
Practical Thinking and Planning
A pragmatic and enthusiastic mind is unafraid when it comes to asking the types of questions that will benefit them most. This enthusiasm or positive thinking must be sustained even in the face of more serious issues like chronic health conditions. If you have one, what will it take to continue to care for yourself effectively? Will you be able to afford your medications and treatment? What will you do to maintain your health?
Other considerations are common as well. Is your house paid off? If not, will you be able to maintain your mortgage payments? These are all questions regarding your retirement and your wealth management that require a positive actionable attitude to effectively navigate.
Investing, Food, Fun, and Shelter
Positive thinking and wealth-building require a mixed bag of skills. You can't have your head in the clouds but you can't be Pessimistic Penelope either. Balance is essential. You must know how to accept the bad with the good and take any financial lemons you may have in your life and make lemonade. This required a deep inherent belief that it is possible to build and sustain wealth. If you don’t have this deep-rooted belief somewhere in your psyche it will be difficult to convince yourself that wealth is within your grasp.
The connection between positive thinking and wealth doesn't suggest that simply feeling that everything will turn out ok and creating a false sense of confidence will bring about money. Nothing could be further from the truth. Positive thinking fuels wealth by creating a consistent desire and belief that steps can be continually taken to increase our financial health and wellness. This positive attitude requires balance, this means that you need time to let your hair down and have fun to avoid a build-up of stress. conversely, it also means that you have to be savvy and strategic when it comes to growing your money and ensuring that you and your family have what you truly need.
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A mind is a powerful tool. Most of us know this on some level. However, how many of us understand on a practical level just how powerful our thoughts are? Perhaps not as may as we would think. Positive thinking is expansive. It opens our minds to solutions and unlimited possibilities. Positive thoughts fuel more positive thoughts. Some people would best explain this phenomenon as the law of attraction.
More specifically, you must become conscious of your thoughts surrounding money. If they are negative, this will be a hindrance to creating abundance and wealth. As stated earlier, your belief will fuel your actions and what comes from them. Embrace positive thinking! Change your thoughts...change your wealth.
Have Faith in Your Worthiness
Whatever you believe becomes your truth. In other words, if you believe you are unworthy of good things, including wealth, this will reflect in your life. Believing that you are capable and worthy of good things forms the foundation on which great things can grow. What happens if you try to plant fruits and vegetables on barren stripped land? They cease to grow.
This example can be likened to your thoughts. If your foundations are depleted and barren good thought and feeling of worthiness can't grow. There is simply not enough fertile soil. Wealth can't grow form empty barren thoughts and feelings of unworthiness. Water truly seeks its level. Your thoughts will attract your experiences. Feelings of worthiness water your financial plants of abundance.
Appreciation Rules Your Inner Nation
Gratitude is extremely magnetic. It has a way of attracting more good and positivity into your life. This is why it's extremely important to be grateful for what you already have in your life. Don't hate that older car or your older home that's missing all the fancy upgrades. See what's there. All of these things that you're not valuing continue to add value and comfort to your life in some form or fashion. Never forget this.
Be grateful for your job, even though it may not pay exactly what you'd like it too. It's a stepping stone to greater things. Wealth building and positive thinking encompass gratitude heavily. That old car gets you from one place to another. Imagine life without a car and how difficult simple things would be. This thought alone should cultivate a sense of gratitude. Also, imagine not having a shelter of any kind. What would life be like if you had to couch surf every night or every few nights?
Imagine the feeling of instability that would come from that. The message is clear. You should appreciate what you have. Without that old car, house, shoes, whatever, life would be a little or a lot harder to navigate. Gratitude can attract more abundance, financial and otherwise.
Dispel Negative Belief Systems
Many of us don’t realize the impact that scarcity messages have had on us. Consider the sayings we may have heard our family members spout with confidence, like "Money doesn't grow on trees." Many of these statements and messages encourage a sense of lack. Many of us don’t realize that we've grown up with these feelings of lack regarding money. For most of us, we've been taught this pessimistic attitude from people that we love and respect. This is why shaking these beliefs may be difficult.
However, you must be willing to challenge old long-held beliefs, especially if they don’t serve you. This may mean saying no to Grandma's beliefs that money will always be scarce and you shouldn't expect much. Dare to embrace positive thinking and move past these thoughts as you build wealth.
Ditch the Negative Perceptions Regarding Rich People
Many of us have heard negative things about rich people which may have led us to believe that it's impossible to be rich and deserving. This is simply not true. This is another popular myth that dispels positive thinking and open-mindedness. Many rich people have worked hard for what they have. They are deserving of the wealth they have acquired.
Embrace this truth and instead look at rich people as positive motivators for what you can have for yourself. We must learn to turn away from the skepticism that is frequently imposed on the wealthy. This can be a roadblock to wealth. Once again, negative thinking is often NOT fact-based. Challenge your negative thoughts and embrace the fact that there are rich people out there who have created wealth from the sweat of their brow.
Visions and Affirmations
We don't usually change overnight. Most of us have negative thought patterns that are wreaking havoc on our financial future as we speak. However, this doesn't have to be the case. Change takes positive thinking and actionable effort in the right direction. However, before we can take action, we must become self-aware. Positive thinking can come from negative things if we desire to change. It takes effort and reminders. Fortunately, there are things you can do for yourself to create positive thoughts and encourage change in the way we view our finances and wealth.
Visual tools like vision boards that we can look at daily or weekly, as often as needed, may be beneficial. We might also consider repeating affirmations or becoming more aware of negative self-limiting thoughts when it comes to our finances. Instead of saying, "I can't afford this." Consider instead, “How can I afford this." We may have a goal of building our savings account to $50k. However, we need to have the belief, self-esteem, and positive thinking to believe this is possible through doable actionable steps. Everything comes from thinking. We can not make magic if we are coming from a place of scarcity and lack.
Embrace the Attitude and Actions Necessary to Build Wealth
This is the practical part of being rich and wealthy. This is the willingness to pay your bills, to understand the opportunities that abundant finances can create for you, and to commit to doing things towards this end consistently. A positive attitude will motivate you to pay your bills to build better credit and in turn, create better financial opportunities for you.
If you can see the big picture and understand that wealth and riches aren't a mirage, you have the fuel to maintain your efforts time after time. This requires a sound understanding of why your thinking is so important when it comes to your financial goals. This understanding or inner-standing is your inner vision board, your deep-rooted affirmation of positive thinking and how it can feed your wealth quest.
Positive thinking is a powerful precursor to wealth. Without it, it's hard to find the motivations and the direction to grow our money and change our financial journey. When you start to attack the very foundation of your thinking and your state of mind, growth is possible. This comes from taking stock of your current belief system about money, where it came from, and how it's helping or hindering your financial well being.
Don't be afraid to look at the person in the mirror and change if need be. Low self-esteem, a lack of self-worth, and financial ignorance keep many of us stagnant. Often, these patterns are repeated throughout generations within our family. Don't be afraid to be the first generation person that breaks the bonds of negativity and financial ignorance. Dare to believe that wealth is within your reach. Positive thinking will fuel your desire to take steps towards greater wealth.