Posts in Money Management
What is the Difference Between a Will and a Trust?

Some decisions in life you need to make as early as possible. As macabre as it may sound, planning for your death tops that list. It is up there with answering the question “What is money management?” while still in high school. Like an early financial literacy education, you need to deal with your estate planning as early in life as possible.

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Follow these Tips to Find the Best Financial Advisor

Regardless of the amount of money you have now hiring a financial advisor makes good sense. This savvy individual can help you grow the money you do have. Think of them as the chief financial officer of your life.

The earlier in life that you hire the financial advisor, the better you will earn. That is because the best financial advisor lets you know what will work best to grow your money. You do not need a minimum amount to begin working with one of these individuals.

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What Does It Take to Be Considered “Wealthy” in the U.S.?

Wealth, like speed, or musical talent, or strength, or size, or pretty much anything else is almost always relative. What one person drops in the snow without noticing might make another feel rich beyond their wildest dreams to find. I’m not sure it’s realistically possible to quantify what counts as “wealthy.”

However, here are FOUR ways I think we could more usefully measure wealth. You choose the one or the combination more useful to you and do with it as you see fit. Then, if it turns out we can help with any or all of it, just let us know.

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Financial Planning Basics Explained: Wealth 101

Most of us could benefit from a few financial planning basics, even if some of it involves stuff we already know – or, knew at one time. Like so many things, we get busy, and life gets complicated.

Things start to slip through the cracks because there are only so many hours in the day and we only have so much energy to figure out so many things, it seems.

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Wealth Statistics in the United States: By the Numbers

If we’re going to talk about wealth statistics in the United States, I should probably clarify up front that the numbers aren’t going to be limited to folks you and I normally think of as “wealthy.”

If you have a home and a checking account, you’re part of the wealth. If you have a small business with some inventory and a few years of keeping the doors open behind you, you’re part of the wealth. If you drive a car and eat at restaurants from time to time and aren’t on the run from the law for defaulting on every dollar you’ve ever borrowed, you, my friend are part of the wealth.

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Money Management Basics Explained: Wealth 101

Wealth management is about being aware of your money, whether you have a LOT or a LITTLE. It’s about paying attention to where it comes from and where it goes.

It’s being mindful about the resources in our care. It’s about doing right by ourselves and those for whom we are responsible. It’s about trying to pay attention today so that tomorrow doesn’t completely suck.

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